Kendra & Myself have been slowly growing into a more formal role in the film industry now that we have had our new addition to the team our daughter Khaleesi. Chetley was the Producer and Kendra was the Production Secretary, being on set everyday just doesn't work like it used to as of now. We are also growing our personal brand and company to make a more established footprint in North West Arkansas. Our goal is to assist in the film industry really in any way possible and we feel being the go to contact with the community and the production is the best place we can be.
Each 30 minute episode involves two angels that interact with a group of new people to help guide them to make the right choices during difficulties in their lives.
As we mentioned above, Chetley was one of the producers on the show and his role was very in depth, he started pre production a good 2 months out finding locations and getting contracts signed to building the crew of locals. Kendras was the Production supervisor so she was keeping everything organized and making sure all paperwork was good to go.
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